Deadend, no U-Turn!

When I finally finished my work. One last step, to the finish line, but there is a block, and I can’t surpass. I was like doing it for about 4 hours now, and I’m just going back the same error. I can’t upload my work. So probably my grade will be lower than what I expect, but it’s okay. Nice try, maybe next time I’ll complete the task that will be asked. But I know, not today. It is really painful and irritating because, it’s just me here, nobody to ask, nobody to help me. The clock is ticking, the time is running. Oh no! It’s almost deadline.


Counting of the days before holidays!

I was craving for foods when I did this activity, and see what is the results. Good food for good people, appreciate the goodness within, just like parallax, it was introduced to us last Saturday, and I’ve seen a goodness in every scroll, just like food every bite counts. In parallax, you can see and feel the difference in every scroll.

Holidays are coming, and yet an activity has been finished. I think this will be the last for the year 2013. But don’t worry, there will be more coming from the year 2014. Merry Christmas folks! And Happy New Year! God bless you all! And have a nice holiday! Gooooooooooooooooooooood foood, for Goooooooooooooood People. =)

– Otep Irabagon





Parallax by Otep